Friday 23 May 2014

Packing up my stuff for my last but one fair. this link does not work, ok if you want to have a look at my album, the facebook link at the top of the page works.
I honestly don't know how I'm going to be able to make my stuff look nice, there is actually too much, so will get on the challenge and get off the computer lol.x

Wednesday 14 May 2014

My last 2 fairs for a while.

I am very sad that these 2 fairs are going to be the last for a while, I have loved partaking in these events I will be visiting as a buyer in the future as I love vintage and antique stuff, I am also having a massive clearout of my own vintage stuff as I am downsizing soon, also there will be allsorts of jewellery bargains and new creations, I will carry on making things over the summer untill I start college, but then I will be packing most of it away, now I have to clean the cat sick, honestly there is always something is there not.x