Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Art College and ITP

Well I have not blogged for ages as I have not been well, recently have been diagnosed with ITP google it for more info, basically its your spleen, platelets attacking healthy platelets, so you don't have enough platelets, so its very dangerous you can bleed to death, not funny, so now I'm having a combination of Rituximab and steroids for a month in the hope that it will kick me into a remission, will keep fingers crossed, meanwhile at the same time I have started college, one year access so I can do a degree, its printmaking, ceramics, and other mediums with loads of essay writing about art, what it means etc, so its going to be hard work for the next few weeks, I know I will get help if needed, I am not one to give up and I'm not letting my health issues rule me, although practically speaking tiredness even when your tired is tired, lol is a factor, will still make jewellery it will be for sale
in Art Parade Saltaire, and my esty shop.