Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Cleaning some beads.

Lovely selection of Art Deco glass and Whitby Jet beads and buttons, oh they were dirty, still not finished cleaning them, then the challenge is what will I create with them.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Inspiration in RED

From my Red Pinterest board, lovely deep reds and the poppies are from Wychburydesigns.co.uk.

Monday, 10 June 2013

This is going to be a fabulous Event, I will be there with some lovely new creations.

I will be selling my creations at the above event, along with other talented Designer/Makers, lots of vintage goodies as well, and cake.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Illustration Friday.

If anyone needs to know the names of the artists just go to my Pinterest Boards Art 4, such talent.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Textiles that inspire.

Even though I make jewellery I love textiles maybe its my Huguenot ancestry, who knows, I am full of admiration for this beautiful work, the nanes of these talented people who did this work can be seen on my Pinterest boards.

Inspiration Sunday, lovely blue and turquoise.

Marchesa Luisa Casati

I have ordered the book on this amazing womans life and the mark it has left, we need people like this in the world, be yourself never try to fit in and if people don't like it, well that is their problem, well that's my take on it.